After hours of dismantling my PS3, finally I’ve manage to swab the spanking new thermal compound on my cell processor and RSX GPU. Sounds easy eh? well not so true..
First and foremost, I had to travel to Digital Mall to get my thermal compound. There are none to be found at my area, except for cheap versions. Secondly the guide was for the older PS3 version where the Motherboard is different. Mine is CECHH06 model.
Anyway with a little trial and error and patience, I’ve manage to dissemble it. Below are some of the photos I took during the process.

Before & after Heat-Sink
Black spot on PS3 base
Cleaned PS3 base
PS3 Motherboard
Old Thermal Compound on the CPU & GPU
Spanking cleaned GPU
Spanking cleaned Cell Processor
Unfortunately I never manage to take some photos while placing the new Thermal fusion 400. However my baby now runs smooth, and I’m able to play Red Dead Redemption without any jumbo jet noise from my fan anymore.
*planning to open a service center to refurbish old PS3….?* “evil grin”