is a 2D MUD (Multi-user Dungeon) generated and owned by the players via the Matic blockchain
The team started working on Ethernal with the goal on exploring and utilize the best tools and protocols in the ecosystem to create a fun game that can bring more users and players to the brave new world of Web3 and true ownership. Building a multiplayer dungeon that’s fully on-chain is challenging, both technically and design-wise for the team. They wanted to make sure that the player experience would be intuitive and smooth, which requires to have the game logic on a network that can provide better UX, i.e. faster and cheaper transactions.
Besides UX capabilities, they were also looking for the following while exploring our options:
Decentralization: This is, of course, important, since building a fully on-chain game.
EVM compatibility: Be able to easily get solidity smart contracts to work on the chain.
Bridge to Ethereum: Game items would be NFTs on Ethereum, so players can have access to the burgeoning NFT/collectibles market and easily buy and sell their items on marketplaces such as OpenSea.
Mainnet ready: A chain that would allow the game to launch this summer.
Support and community: It’s important not only building a fun blockchain game with great UX, but also have access to player communities where player base can grow.
After exploring various options, Matic seemed like the best solution for future releases. There are some trade-offs, but they are confident that it would be able to work together to find solutions for any issues.
The game premise as players explore the dungeon to discover new rooms and loot. Collaborate with others to defeat monsters, or race against them to be the first to find rare items. Trade and sell your loot in and out of the dungeon. But remember, if you die you will lose everything you carry for others to scavenge.
Not only are the dungeon rooms procedurally generated from the blockchain by the players, but new items will also be generated in existing rooms as players take actions in the dungeon. This means the more active players there are, the more items, gears, monsters, and NPCs will be created.
Be an alpha tester by reserving a key by following and tweeting “open sesame” to @EthernalWorld. Or message us in #🗝️keys🗝️ on our Discord.
People who had never played games before the current crisis could
now suddenly see how games could help them connect. Gentle, nonviolent games have—become one of our coronavirus isolation coping
mechanisms. These games are more than escapist entertainment,
though; they’re helping to reshape how we connect in a future where
social distancing might become the norm. They are also easy to play,
lowering the bar to entry. In Animal Crossing, it’s going to another
island and playing with your friends, whereas “In Stardew Valley, it’s
getting to know the villagers around you. These are parasocial
relationships.” Kind Words is another game that helps players in
lockdown communicate with strangers. In it, an avatar sits at a desk
in a digital bedroom and types out questions about real-world
personal problems. In return, other players respond with
encouraging notes. The game takes place entirely within the space of
a room, with players receiving and sending notes via digital envelope.
Epic Games has previously come up with the popular Fortnite games offered on various platforms. except, for the Android version, they choose not to publish it on the Google Play Store because they need to share revenue for in-app purchases away from Google.
However, now, after 18 months, Epic Games has been forced to submit to Google, and has released the Fortnite app on the Google Play Store. Previously they did not want to publish it because publishers had to give Google Play 30% of in-app purchase revenue.
Epic Games in their statement says Google puts apps published outside of the Google Play Store at the slightest risk to users – since Google will be displaying security warnings and more. This is to prevent the installation of non-native applications, or malware by users. But for publishers like Epic Games that offer games outside of the Play Store, it may also cause users to worry about using them.
Because of this, Epic Games has already released Fortnie on the Play Store. At the same time, while Epic Games is seen as giving a solid reason, it can be said that they failed to steal high player numbers from the Android platform by publishing their games outside of the Google Play Store – and had to do so by continually attracting players to try and play Fortnite on Android.
Blizzard sent me an email today and here it goes :-
Some of you may have been duking it out for weeks now in the Nexus while others of you may be brand new to Heroes of the Storm™. For the new players, to show our appreciation of your early Reaper of Souls purchase, you will notice that Valla will be unlocked and ready for use when you log in. To further show our appreciation, we are including 4 beta keys for you to invite your friends and complete your team.
Once you’ve selected your recruits, send them one of the beta keys below and have them go to There they’ll be able to enter their key and jump straight into the action.
THATS RIGHT I GOT 4 CLOSED BETA KEYS for HoTS, contact me while stock last!!!! peace..
been trying it on and off for a week .. and i did made some recording of my newbie skills…
Finally Kingdom Under Fire II has arrived in Open beta on Malaysia & Singapore Shores tomorrow! thanks to MMOGAsia.
Oh yea its releasing tomorrow 3PM +8GMT unfortunately its only open to Malaysia & Singapore, other countries might need to VPN tunnel / Proxy into the game. So what’s this game all about? It is a mash up with RTS + RPG + MMO with excellent graphics detail and superb music score.
Played the first RTS game, it was very starcraft feel yet with heavy fantasy themed based build around it, way before Warcraft 3 existed 😛 ( was pretty an RTS era back those days) so jumping into KUF2 would be such an nostalgia feeling all over again.
Overall its like a Dynasty Warriors + Total Wars immersion and we will be talking about KUF2 😀 being said that its worth to check it out since it is Free 2 play game. And it is very tame on lower spec PC rigs. So see you guys on the battle field!
Official Press Release, a leading publisher of online games based in Malaysia, announced the online publishing of the free-to-play, RTS-MMO hybrid game Kingdom Under Fire II. With a unique and impressive gameplay, Kingdom Under Fire II will give a new gaming experience to Malaysian and Singapore gamers with the1st English Version globally.
“We are proud to add Kingdom Under Fire II to our online portfolio and believe it has huge potential to become one of our most played games. Kingdom Under Fire II boasts incredibly rich graphics and a spectacular gameplay experience combines 3 elements of gameplay in one game. Action, Adventure (RPG) and Strategy or so called AMMORTS-RPG (Action Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy-Role Playing Game.” says William Chan, CEO of
Kingdom Under Fire II requires a relatively low computer specification, suitable for middle-low computer specification. It runs well even with only Geforce 7600GT 256MB 128 bit. Blueside as the developer have put an uncompromising effort to make this possible in the purpose to satisfy all gamers so they will be able to play this cool game without a high-end computer.
Sejung Kim, the CEO of Blueside Inc., said :
“I am very happy to give you information about our first English service in Malaysia/Singapore. We are very happy to cooperate with , premier and veteran Publisher in Malaysia and we all are very excited and also thrilled to show to Kingdom under fire2 for the first time to Malaysian/Singapore Gamers. We are also looking forward to meet our global fans in world-wide as soon as possible.”
Dark Souls II is one of the most brutal unforgiving ARPG of all time based from its predecessors, Dark Souls 1 and the father figure Demon Souls which was only available on PS3. Its been release for the PS3 & Xbox 360 on March 11 2014 and PC version on the 24 April 2014.
Over the week, been hibernating at home (reason for not updating thy blog) was due to an itch for a hardcore ARPG dungeon slaying game. I did missed on the bandwagon of the initial released of the game on PC which was on the 24 April 2014. Didn’t compelled on actually playing Dark Souls 1 too since my PS3 pretty much kinda unofficially died and that really did put me off on getting it for the PC version because during that time my laptop is not that of an uber beast to run the game.
I truly loved Demon Souls, it was so old school and yet hardcore at the same time. I kinda racked up like a solid 300 hours in that game on the PS3. I thinkso left off like 5 – 8 trophies before getting a plat for it.
Alas this month, I’ve manage to snag if off STEAM and able to venture into the depths of stress and despair this time around. Story talks about us being a cursed undead and how we need to find some cure , via starting up at a main town called MAJU-LA (Advance la if in direct translation of manglish) and the story unfolds, about a King went into exile due to his evil evil wife queen in the land of Drangleic.
As for the first impression, oh boy the graphics is amazing even on medium settings, blur motion effects , the foliage, lighting effects from the sun , spells and stormy weather is absolutely gorgeous.
Players able to use an in game currency which is called Soul which is obtained by killing stuff or using trapped souls collected from dead bodies or treasure chest all around Drangleic. Do note that this currency is also used in levelling up character stats and certain spells requires a small usage of soul as well.
Death in the game is all seem to familiar like in the franchise line where you will drop all your Souls (currency) on the first death and turn your character into a hollow (undead). Players would need to track back to their death point and retrieve their souls and of course, mobs that been killed will be respawn. Adding to the tension, dying the second time trying to retrieve your previous souls will lead to the evaporation of that soul pool. Not to forget each death in hollow form will reduce your max health.
In order to regain human form, one must attend in Co-Op and assist other players in defeating bosses or accomplishing in an orderly manner timed. using the white soap stones to let others to summon you to assist them. I always chuckle when I always as my friend to drop the soap during our co-op sessions.
Most of the time, the game leaves me cringing on my mouse tightly due to the experience we tend to face more often on challenging map designs which may kill you soon enough before you know it. ahem.. The Gutter and the Majula’s Pit.
Other times, is being over confident in progressing on a single zone while forgetting to rest at a bonfire tends to lead to bad consequences which fills me up into a raging fits which plays in my mind. (Lucky didn’t flip my computer table)
Boss fights are beautifully crafted with dodging and precision timing avoiding what ever the boss is throwing towards your character. But after awhile it some boss fights will get kinda repetitive except a few exceptional like the pursuer, looking glass knight, ruin sentinels, royal rat authority, dark lurker and of course the final boss 😀 below is one of the many boss fights:-
On thing that puts me off was , the game did went easy mode on me when I’ve obtain like 2+3 rings of life/soul protection which nullifies your death penalty whenever you die. Death was never a bother to me any more. Spells in this instalment feels less overpowered other than dark hexes which I felt imbalance for PVP due to its crazy DPS output on other players with low Dark defences.
Plus side this franchise never disappoint in a wide arrays of arsenal for your disposal from knuckle weapons , bows to crossbows, many kind of swords, hammers, staff, chimes, shields and ogling fancy armour sets to top on into the souls recipe of full win. oh ya not to forget *WHIPS* too……
Story at times can be very weird and gets even weirder but hey its a Japanese game what else can be any weirder… but I really like the dungeon sensation whenever you enter to a new zone, trying to embrace what death lies ahead for you. Eerie feeling tends to happen from time to time at certain zones for instance when over heard some women voice singing at a far off your location at shrine of Amana.
To add the intensity of your stress & despair enjoyment, other players may also invade your realm as a phantom just like in the old demon souls. So cautious play style is needed at all times. One new feature was doing the Rat Covenant (ingame guilding system) where you are some sort of a dungeon master which requires set up traps in the zone for some victim to be challenged by your dungeon. Chameleon + backstab at its best to freak out passer by players 😛
All in all it still does retain the demon soul minus the white and black tendencies of the game where it affects the game world. PVP system has been kinda of a stepped down but in replacement with other covenants to cover it up. Not to forget the major huge huge world of Drangleic which tempts you to explore every inch of the area. Some scenery is just too plain breath taking like the epic dragon aerie or Drangleic castle zone.
After completing the game, I’ve still had some unfinished business on getting on with the game on New Game + which raises the difficulty another notch and new spells and monsters to be discovered. My take on this game would be a 9/10 could be a perfect 10 if they would retain some of the best aspect of demon souls, but hey one can only dream and can’t complain for some changes at least.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer, Release Date November 4
Next instalment of Call of Duty seems to fall into futuristic military shooters with a close mix from Metal Gear Solid, and Ghost Recon, Same developers that brought us Modern Warfare 3, Sledgehammer Games leave us with another fun fulfilling story telling depth of the Call of Duty franchise.
So far just a trailer being released with a little glimpses of what has been installed for us which are HOVER BIKES, cloaking and military battle suit/ exosuits.
A rough idea about the game is about PMC taking over / making a move on some kinda power strife.
Official release date would be on November 4, 2014 which will roll out on Windows, PlayStation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
Was just lurking blizzard website and behold!! beta signup is up 🙂
currently few weeks without updates due to getting back into good old diablo 3 paragon leveling 🙂
so check it out a MOBA game which is Free-to play from Blizzard!! all your famous characters from warcraft, starcraft and diablo will be playable heroes in this arena battle fest game! can’t wait for it all the blood-fest of your favorite characters… hmmm i wonder if deckard cain would be a playable hero haha!
This week offering for a mere USD 6 for 5 awesome titles by FROZENBYTE.
Shadowgrounds is the impressive, top-down action-shooter fromFrozenbyte. Enter a research facility infiltrated and overrun by colonies of aliens, growing more fierce by the second. Armed with a devastating arsenal of military-grade weapons, it’s up to you take down these beastly creatures and reclaim the facility. The adrenaline-pumping, top-down gameplay and audiovisual fireworks set the scene for this new action experience which can be played single-player and co-op.
Enter the magical fantasy world of Trine, where you’ll create and use physics-based objects to solve crafty puzzles and outsmart unruly enemies. Three heroes are on a mission, guided by a mysterious device called the trine, to save their kingdom from the grips of evil. Boasting intricately woven scenery and a fantastical world makesTrine the perfect game for players at all levels. The highly-acclaimedTrine won Gaming Nexus’ “Game of the Year” award in 2009.
Jack Claw Prototype
Jack Claw is a prototype game developed by Frozenbyte. Although it is an unfinished project, Frozenbyte is also including the editor, assets and source code in the Humble Weekly Sale. Experiment with the amazing extended claw by swinging objects around and generating mayhem!
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Shadowgrounds Survivor is the sequel to the intensive and fast-paced shooter Shadowgrounds and turns up the action with three playable characters and the introduction of RPG elements. Stranded on Jupiter’s moon and overwhelmed by the alien hordes inhabiting the surface, you must shoot your way out if you hope to escape alive. Shadowgrounds Survivor features the same high-tech weaponry, but with added features like a sentry turret and napalm flame, so you can kill these ghastly aliens in style.
Trine 2: Complete Story
Immerse yourself in brilliantly rich graphics and a wondrous magical world in this side-scrolling action-puzzle platformer. You’ll need to make use of a wizard, a thief and a knight and their unique abilities in order to complete puzzles and defeat enemies in Trine 2: Complete Story. Play by yourself and toggle between all three characters, or play with up to two other friends in co-op mode.
Blizzard has just announced Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, a free-to-play collectible card game set in the universe of Warcraft.
You can play as one of nine World of Warcraft classes, collect cards, and battle people online. No release date yet, but the game will be out for PC and Mac, with an iPad version coming “shortly thereafter.”
The game is coming out soon, Blizzard said—”Not Blizzard soon, but IRL soon.” You can sign up for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcrafton Blizzard’s website right now, and the beta will launch this summer.
This game was developed by a small team of 15 people, Blizzard chief creative officer Rob Pardo said while announcing the game during a PAX East panel this morning. The goal: create a simple, competitive game with a more mobile team than they’ve used for bigger beasts like StarCraft II and Diablo III. They want it to be “small in scope, but epic in gameplay,” Pardo said.
During the panel today, Blizzard brought out an announcer to describe a 1v1 game as it happened. It looks a lot like Magic: The Gathering with Warcraft characters and abilities: we saw Warlocks and Druids facing off, summoning monsters, and attacking one another in turn-based combat.
The characters and beasts chat and comment as they fight, sometimes saying hilarious things in traditional Blizzard style. There are a ton of Warcraft-themed cards, from ghouls and demons to Ragnaros, the fire god. This looks very cool.