Category: mmorpg
Kingdom Under Fire II
Finally Kingdom Under Fire II has arrived in Open beta on Malaysia & Singapore Shores tomorrow! thanks to MMOGAsia.
Oh yea its releasing tomorrow 3PM +8GMT unfortunately its only open to Malaysia & Singapore, other countries might need to VPN tunnel / Proxy into the game. So what’s this game all about? It is a mash up with RTS + RPG + MMO with excellent graphics detail and superb music score.Played the first RTS game, it was very starcraft feel yet with heavy fantasy themed based build around it, way before Warcraft 3 existed 😛 ( was pretty an RTS era back those days) so jumping into KUF2 would be such an nostalgia feeling all over again.Overall its like a Dynasty Warriors + Total Wars immersion and we will be talking about KUF2 😀 being said that its worth to check it out since it is Free 2 play game. And it is very tame on lower spec PC rigs. So see you guys on the battle field!Official Press ReleaseMMOG.asia, a leading publisher of online games based in Malaysia, announced the online publishing of the free-to-play, RTS-MMO hybrid game Kingdom Under Fire II. With a unique and impressive gameplay, Kingdom Under Fire II will give a new gaming experience to Malaysian and Singapore gamers with the 1st English Version globally.“We are proud to add Kingdom Under Fire II to our online portfolio and believe it has huge potential to become one of our most played games. Kingdom Under Fire II boasts incredibly rich graphics and a spectacular gameplay experience combines 3 elements of gameplay in one game. Action, Adventure (RPG) and Strategy or so called AMMORTS-RPG (Action Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy-Role Playing Game.” says William Chan, CEO of MMOG.asia.Kingdom Under Fire II requires a relatively low computer specification, suitable for middle-low computer specification. It runs well even with only Geforce 7600GT 256MB 128 bit. Blueside as the developer have put an uncompromising effort to make this possible in the purpose to satisfy all gamers so they will be able to play this cool game without a high-end computer.Sejung Kim, the CEO of Blueside Inc., said :“I am very happy to give you information about our first English service in Malaysia/Singapore. We are very happy to cooperate with MMOG.asia , premier and veteran Publisher in Malaysia and we all are very excited and also thrilled to show to Kingdom under fire2 for the first time to Malaysian/Singapore Gamers. We are also looking forward to meet our global fans in world-wide as soon as possible.”Teaser Site: http://kuf2.mmog.asia Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/mmogasiakuf2 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/mycnxmovie Publisher: http://www.mmog.asia/Direct Download : http://kuf2.mmog.asia/download/rcdn.php -
The Exiled Realm of Arborea
Since last Tuesday, an MMO just went from Pay to play to Free to play. Yup, its The Exiled Realm of Arborea (TERA). Just like other MMO its has everything like a MMO. However what intrigue me was the battle system.
Lets talk about the world, since I’m just merely scratching the surface. The world is such an eye candy, where the settings changes as you journey across it. From desert Savannah to the lush green forest and not to forget the most darkness abyss of evil. TERA environment does not disappoint thanks to the game’s UNREAL 3 engine.
As for races, there are not 3 standard MMO races (Human, Elves or Orcs) but a FRIGGIN SEVEN races, each with their own racial traits and passive skills. As listed below :-
The Aman, a race of draconian humanoidsThe Baraka, a giant, intelligent raceThe Castanics, a demon-like raceThe Elins, an innocent nature loving raceThe High ElvesThe HumansThe animal-like Popori.The Baraka, Elin, and Popori are gender locked (only male Baraka and Popori, and female Elin exist). Both males and females are playable for the rest of the races. Not to mention the female gender of each races is sexually sexy or loli cuteness. This might attract more virgin gamers into the scene of TERA.
On top of that, the races doesn’t not have restriction to which class to choose from the listing whooping of EIGHT classes. As TERA DEV emphasize on the holy trinity in MMO pretty much alive in this game. As we can see it from the classes range. We have two tank class (Lancer, Warrior) , two melee DD (Berzerker, Slayer) , two range DD (Sorcerer, Archer) , and two healing classes ( Mystic, Priest).
Questing in TERA is very generic where you need to kill number of x monsters or collect x numbers of x items and return it to the quest giver.
Crafting, Gathering, and Enchanting in this game gives many craters a bag for its money where you can mine stuff with imaginary pickax or extracting essence from the palm of your hands. Crafting should be pretty interactive since I’ve yet to explore into it.
Skill and stat based for character progress is pretty linear where there isn’t any much freedom into allotting stats points or skill points into unique builds. However skills get boosted up and a little customization by Glyph which are like additional gems for skill to get more powerful. ( Think about FF7 Materias)
Battle is the most fluid and interactive mechanic I’ve ever played in MMO, up in par with Guild Wars 2 which launch a year ago. TERA is up there in the ranking when it comes to battle scene. Your movements and aiming takes into play of what will the outcome of the battle be by solo or in group.
Dungeon/Instance is very fun where Holy Trinity(Tank, DD, Healer) really feels right, I have yet to enter high level instance therefore thrilled for what is coming next to me.
Community wise, like every P2P mmo went F2P, kiddies around the world wanna get a piece of it, and behold a megaton of trolls, kidrage, kbwarriors, wowfans are being sucked into the realm of TERA.
Overall since its a free just give it a go. My rate towards it would be 7.5/10 due to its wonder presentation of UNREAL ENGINE 3 , battle mechanics, and an awesome BGM
p/s: my IGN is Orztome @ Zuras server add me and I’m a Priest tera-europe
(if you guys don’t understand some of the abbreviation listed above please do leave a comment below)
In the world of RIFT~~~
It’s been awhile since I’ve updated my blog, not like anyone cares about it. Anyway during my absence was due to a MMORPG that I was playing since May this year till September 2011.
Yes I was so hooked up that, I’ve neglected my duties on posting news and what not…..
But what made me realized was that I’ve hit the end-game content over the 5 months and it was no longer a fun game to play. I’ve completed both end-game PVE and also PVP as far as your single player capabilities could offer. What really put me off is the content progression of the endgame raids. It only resets once a week, and there is only 3 20-man raids content. Considering the existing guild that I’ve joined only raid those 3 instance 3 days in a week.
Anyway goodbye RIFT since it was more of a chore to log into it and run guild raids which is taxing for both mentality and time.
I can’t argue that,
– Yes it’s a pretty well made MMO
– Yes it’s a WoW Clone (pretty much a norm for more MMO’s now of days.)
– Pretty much hectic and fun till you maxed out factions reputation, PVP ranking and fully geared with out guild raids.So bon voyage RIFT. I’ll just sit back chillax till Diablo III hits before the end of the world cometh. 😀
Here is my other blog/tumblr which I’ve hooked up my journey from the start to the end of my game time in RIFT.