Category: sony

  • Amazing Spider-man 2 movie review: Tingling hyped subpar

     Manage to grab a seat on a premier opening of the movie. The Amazing Spider-man 2: Rise of electro.

    On the first impression of the opening screen, I thought it was gonna be one up with the rest of the superheroes movie for this year. Hey, its Sony + Marvel what can go wrong? I tried so hard to gave this 2nd part another chance since the 1st Amazing spider-man did shy away from my likings in sense of character build up.

    Movie starts with a brief backtrack in historical time on Peter Parker’s parents and the reason on why Aunt May was working her bums off to put Peter Parker in school.

    Moving forward towards the first opening action scene of a regular OSCORP heist where god no reason why did the baddies are trying to steal some kinda plutonium. This particular scene was actually trying to set in line to introduction a much later “soon to be villains”.

    Middle part of the movie, it gets draggy where the director tries to tie up all the connectivity of how Peter Parker’s decision making which might turn our quite the opposite. Oh, and not to forget a little dash of a happy love story between Gwen which seems too surreal for my mind to digest.  Can if repeat myself again ? mid-part section has quite a lot plot building hence the feeling of drag which does not compel me well. Spider-man with suit is brilliantly executed, however stripping it down to Peter Parker is just a re-bounce back to reality of the movie.

    They tried to make us feel connected between each characters however, the only good touch base was with Harry Osborne, a 20 year old Billionaire. Didn’t really liked the smirk on Peter’s face throughout the movie.

    And close to the finale , the action pack scenes did not seize to stop till the end where at the tipping point of Mr. Spidey incident. From my perspective, it was pretty short lived just like in part .1 where the battle scene would go like 15 mins or so before it ends in a tragic lost (referring to part.1 )

    All in all, the show was trying to cramp up all the fan-service it could and make path for the upcoming instalments for Spidey 3,4,5,6???  which made the movie a bit too rushed at the ending,  but who knows how this franchise will be milked dry like any other SONY movie counterparts (Resident Evil). Not forgetting subliminal ads on BLU-RAYs and SONY gadgets. Makes me wanna just rush out and buy a SONY gadget now.

    Conclusion , all the hype on this movie died the moment I stepped out from the cinema. Quite a disappointment for me to see such a potential REBOOT go to waste. But lets not stab in deeper, it is still a good movie to enjoy, with a little WUBWUB (dubstep) score and fancy light works and comical gestures thrown out by Spidey himself  just keeping the movie intact. 6.5/10

  • I like to move it move it..

    Hmm… since the launch of PS3 MOVE. It has gotten me poisoned, and pretty much tempted to get it. But sadly like always, gotta love Klang (*sarcasm*) It’s not to be found anywhere.

    So I might probably get it from play-asia which is around RM170 for the dildo like stick or worst case scenario, I’ll probably need to head out of Klang to hunt for it.
    Another sad part, it doesn’t come with a bundle of the MOVE stick + Move Game. Below are the only few bundles that are available together with some information.

    What Move Setup is Right for You?

    I don’t yet have a PS3
    • Your best option: *PlayStation 3 Sports Champion Move Bundle
    • How much it will cost? $399.99
    PS3 Move Bundle
    I have a PS3 and nothing else
    • Your best option: **PlayStation Move Bundle
    • How much it will cost? $99.99
    Move Bundle
    I have a PS3 and PlayStation Eye camera
    • Your best option: Move Motion Controller
    • How much it will cost? $49.99
    Move Controller
    *The PlayStation 3 Sports Champion Move Bundle comes with: a PS3 system, 1 PlayStation Move motion controller, a PlayStation Eye Camera, the Sports Champions Blu-ray game and a PlayStation Move game demo disc.

    ** The PlayStation Move Bundle comes with: 1 PlayStation Move motion controller, a PlayStation Eye camera, the Sports Champions Blu-ray disc game and a PlayStation Move demo disc.

    For those of you who own a PS3 already, the PlayStation Move Bundle is the complete Move package, offering everything that you, your friends and your family need to enjoy PlayStation Move in both single-player and multiplayer modes. The PlayStation Move platform is designed to be flexible. We’ve done our best to give you plenty of options, both in terms of gameplay and hardware, so you can customize your PlayStation Move experience to fit the way you game.
    For the vast majority of PlayStation Move games, you can play with one motion controller when playing solo. There are some titles that give you the option to play single-player with one *or* two motion controllers if you would like, such as Sports Champions. It’s completely up to you. One title launching this fall that is an exception worth noting is The Fight: Lights Out, which requires two motion controllers to deliver the best possible experience, tracking both arms and your head with one-to-one precision.
    In many games, when you’re playing against friends or family, you can all share one motion controller – in a game like Start the Party!, for example, players can just pass the motion controller around. You will need more than one motion controller only for simultaneous game play — for example, if you’re going head-to-head with a friend in a Sports Champions gladiator duel, you will each need your own motion controller.
    PlayStation Move
    The PlayStation Move Navigation Controller is an optional add-on that brings directional buttons, an analog stick, and two face buttons into the PlayStation Move’s control scheme. The sleek Navigation Controller essentially replicates the left side of the DualShock 3 controller for familiar and natural control. At $29.99, we think it’s a wonderful supplement to the PlayStation Move platform, especially for games like Heavy Rain, where you control a character, but it’s not required for any of the PlayStation Move games. The DualShock 3 controller that came with your PS3 will let you do everything the Navigation Controller does in all PlayStation Move titles.
    It all goes back to the PlayStation philosophy that every consumer is different, and everybody benefits when you get to make your own choices. An extra motion controller or a navigation controller are additive to the PlayStation Move experience. For some of you, aiming a bow and arrow with two motion controllers in Sports Champions will be the enhanced realism you’re craving; for others, one controller will work just fine.
    Bottom line is, we’ve got you all covered. We hope we’ve provided enough great options for all of you out there and can’t wait until you can get your hands on PlayStation Move come September 19th.