Category: trailer

  • Star wars: Force Awaken Trailer stills

    Just some nice still I’ve cropped out from the latest Star wars force awaken trailer by J.J. Abrams which did a recent reboot on Star Trek 😀 enjoy!

     Let’s have some trailer chunk in too..

    Vader’s brittle mask
    Who’s that Darth?
    Stormtrooper refurbished
    Bling bling trooper

    Dynamic duo is back !
  • Batman v Superman Trailer

    Oh boy, just seen a few sought after movies for this and next year….. .

    From the director Zack Synder with notable movies such as 300, watchman & sucker punch (the man of steel was pretty let down a little)

    BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is in theaters March 25, 2016.